Liquid Ice Mlt™

Liquid Deicer

Product Code: FG-LIMCG-005

5 Gallon Pail Midwest Industrial Supply

Liquid Ice Mlt™

Liquid Deicer

Liquid Ice Mlt is a multi-component liquid belt de-icer. It is a special blend of chlorides and various other proprietary ingredients which enhance ice melting, prevent ice build-up on equipment and crystallization in nozzles.


  • Prevents snow and ice from building up on conveyor belts
  • Works effectively in temperatures as low as -40ºF
  • Melts exisiting snow and ice from the surface of conveyor belts
  • Made with diethylene glycol instead of ethylene glycol, therefore is not considered a Hazardous Air Pollutant under the Clean Air Act
  • Contains several special ingredients to minimize crystallization in nozzles - even in very cold temperatures
  • Reduces material handling time
  • Prevents downtime associated with dangerous and costly coal backslides
  • Can be stored outdoors and does not require expensive heaters

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