Anti-icing & Deicing

Midwest’s expertise in anti-icing and deicing solutions dates back to 1975. Our anti-icing products promote fast and long-lasting ice melting and prevent additional ice build-up down to -70ºF. If you wait until ice forms to take action, deicing requires five to ten times more deicing product than what you would need to provide anti-icing action in the first place.

Caliber M1000

Enhanced Chloride Liquid Deicer

$31.00 - $1,201.75

Enviro-Mlt™ Liquid Ice Melter

Anti-icing and Deicing Agent

$92.60 - $4,345.00

Freeze-Free® G

Prevent Ice From Bonding With Coal Being Stored, Moved or Transported

$46.20 - $1,878.25

Gravity Plus® Anti-Sticking Agent

Super-slippery, flexible coating that eliminates sticking

$89.65 - $4,719.00

Ice Free Conveyor® Belt Anti-icer (DEGPG)

Conveyor belt anti-icer and deicer

$78.64 - $4,009.50

Ice Free Switch®

Rail Switch Anti-icer

$87.80 - $4,468.75

IceFyghter D™

Diethylene glycol based belt deicer

$55.95 - $2,761.50

Liquid Ice Mlt™

Liquid Deicer

$21.21 - $849.75

Model 100 Hand Sprayer

3-1/2 Gallon Hand Sprayer


Model 150 Backpack Sprayer

4-Gallon Backpack Sprayer


Model 50 Stainless Steel Hand Sprayer

2-Gallon Hand Sprayer


Track & Switch Brooms Without Chisel Point

Track & Switch Brooms Without Chisel Point


Track and Switch Brooms with Chisel Point

Track and Switch Brooms with Chisel Point


Zero Gravity B-Free® Side Release (DEGPG)

Zero Gravity B-Free® Side Release (DEGPG)

$48.90 - $2,398.00

Zero Gravity® Third Rail Anti-Icer (DEGPG)

Zero Gravity® Third Rail Anti-Icer (DEGPG)

$70.49 - $3,561.25